Tips to Manage your Legal Costs

Vanstone Law


1. Define Clear Scope: Clearly outline the work you need from your lawyer from the start. Thoughtfully consider your decisions to avoid changing instructions mid-process, which can lead to higher costs.
2. Organized Communication: Maintain regular meetings with your lawyer, be prepared and organized for in-person or telephone discussions. Set up scheduled appointments to control costs.
3. Realistic Expectations: Heed your lawyer’s advice on achievable outcomes and associated costs.
4. Focused Contact: Limit communication with your lawyer to legal matters. Reserve their involvement for issues that truly require legal expertise.
5. Selective Legal Services: Consider partial legal services, like document drafting, while seeking support from friends, family, and counselors for personal challenges.
6. Shield Children: Strive to shield children from adult conflicts. If difficult, consult a family counselor for guidance.
7. Efficient Correspondence: Share information and respond promptly to emails.
8. Fixed Fee Consideration: Explore fixed fee arrangements for cost savings. Note that these might not suit complex situations due to limited ongoing support.
9. Manage Retainer: Create a monthly budget for your minimum retainer, understanding your lawyer’s hourly rate. Utilize these strategies to achieve your goals within your budget.

We are here to discuss fees and cost-effective legal services that meet your needs.

Speak with a member of our team.

Vanstone Law will represent you with professionalism and integrity.