Wills and Estates

Practice Areas

Wills and Estates

What are your final wishes? How do you want your assets managed – either now or after you pass? These decisions are too important to leave to chance or deal with “someday.”

Families trust Vanstone Law to guide them through these critical decisions. We help families ensure that their intentions are known and their wishes are properly carried out.

Estate planning uses wills and trusts as tools to meet your goals. Our team can help you:

  • Protect assets
  • Plan for illness or incapacity with Power of Attorney, Health Care Directive
  • Avoid probate
  • Select and protect beneficiaries
  • Minimize taxes
  • Gifting assets

Without a Will, your financial house is not in order, which can cost you and your family dearly. Protect your assets and the people you love with smart estate planning.

We look forward to working with you as you shape your legacy and plan your estate.

Contact Us today to speak with our team.

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Vanstone Law will represent you with professionalism and integrity.