Professional Discipline & Administrative Law

Practice Areas

Professional Discipline & Administrative Law


“I was very pleased with the work Mark was able to provide.” ~ Professional Discipline Client

Legal representation is essential when it comes to professional discipline matters. Mark has provided legal advice to both discipline committees and professionals in fields such as education, accounting, veterinary medicine and pharmacy professionals.

Mark has provided legal counsel to professional governing bodies and tribunals including the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Licensing Commission and the Discipline Committee of the Saskatchewan Veterinary Medical Association. He has represented professionals facing discipline before discipline committees of the Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals, Chartered Professional Accountants of Saskatchewan, and the Saskatchewan Professional Teachers Regulatory Board. His role with the Saskatchewan Police Commission involves hearing appeals pursuant to the Private Investigators and Security Guards Act.

Mark has significant experience with corporate governance, serving on and advising various boards and committees, both public and private, receiving his Professional Director certification (Pro. Dir) in 2014 from the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy.

Services include:

  • Legal counsel on the best path to an effective defence
  • Representation during the hearing and advice throughout the process
  • Ensuring your rights are protected and your best interests respected
  • Ensuring you are treated fairly throughout the discipline process
  • Reviewing and challenging evidence presented by the disciplinary body
  • Negotiating for an outcome that reduces the severity of any penalties that may be imposed

For more information about legal representation for professional discipline and administrative law matters, please contact us.

Speak with a member of our team.

Vanstone Law will represent you with professionalism and integrity.