How can I clear my criminal record?

If you have a criminal record in Canada, you may be wondering if it is possible to have it cleared. The answer is yes, but it is not a simple process. The only way to clear your criminal record is to apply for a record suspension, formerly known as a pardon.

What is a record suspension?

A record suspension is a discretionary order granted by the Parole Board of Canada that seals your criminal record from public view. This means that most employers, landlords, and other organizations will not be able to see your criminal record when they conduct a background check.

Who is eligible for a record suspension?

To be eligible for a record suspension, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must fully complete your sentence and any period of probation or parole.
  • You must be crime-free for a period of time, depending on the seriousness of your conviction(s).
  • You must demonstrate that you are a law-abiding citizen.

How to apply for a record suspension

To apply for a record suspension, you must complete an application form and submit it to the Parole Board of Canada. The application form is available on the Parole Board of Canada website.
In addition to the application form, you must also submit the following documents:

  • A copy of your criminal record
  • Fingerprints
  • Letters of reference from at least two people who have known you for two years or more and can speak to your good character
  • A statement explaining why you are applying for a record suspension

How long does it take to get a record suspension?

The processing time for record suspension applications can vary, but it typically takes between six and twelve months.

How much does it cost to get a record suspension?

The application fee for a record suspension is $500.

What happens if my record suspension application is denied?

If your record suspension application is denied, you can reapply after one year. However, you will need to demonstrate that there has been a significant change in your circumstances since your previous application.

Tips for applying for a record suspension

Here are some tips for applying for a record suspension:

  • Be honest and complete in your application form.
  • Include all relevant information, even if it is negative.
  • Get letters of reference from people who can speak to your good character.
  • Write a statement explaining why you are applying for a record suspension and how it will benefit you.


Clearing your criminal record can be a life-changing experience. It can open up new opportunities for employment, housing, and education. If you are eligible for a record suspension, we encourage you to apply.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice. Contact us today to discuss your specific situation.