A Proven Track Record: Mark’s Expertise

“I feel that being a landlord is becoming a riskier undertaking. Despite assurances that the ORT [Office of Residential Tenancies] is an unbiased entity, the actual process of getting a tenant removed from one’s property (for the purpose of preventing harm to the property or other tenants), is daunting. Although obtaining legal assistance is not inexpensive, I believe it to be the shortest and most effective path to achieving the needed outcome. Mark is a lawyer who is very experienced in ORT related processes and procedures. I would highly recommend him to anyone wanting to ensure optimal results in a high stakes landlord concern.”
– Landlord Client

Mark’s remarkable record speaks for itself – a testament to his proficiency in empowering tenants and landlords to exercise their rights under The Residential Tenancies Act. The gamut of scenarios he has encountered demonstrates his versatility in resolving even the most difficult disputes. By seeking legal counsel, landlords safeguard themselves against substantial losses incurred through property damage and foregone rent. When swift and effective resolution is required, get legal guidance as soon as possible.