Facing Criminal Charges: Know Your Rights and What to Expect!

If you are charged with a crime in Canada, it is important to understand the criminal justice process and your rights. Here is a brief overview of what to expect:

  1. Arrest: If the police believe that you have committed a crime, they will likely arrest you. When you are arrested, you have the right to be told why you are being arrested, to remain silent, and to have a lawyer present.
  2. Bail hearing: If you are arrested and detained, you will have a bail hearing within 24 hours. At the bail hearing, the judge will decide whether to release you pending your trial, or whether to keep you in custody. If you are released on bail, you will have to follow certain conditions, such as showing up to court on your scheduled appearance dates.
  3. First appearance: If you are released on bail, you will have a first appearance in court within 30 days of your arrest. At the first appearance, you will be informed of the charges against you and you may be required to enter a plea.
  4. Pre-trial: After the first appearance, the pre-trial process will begin. This is where the Crown and defence (throughout) lawyers will prepare for the trial. This may involve exchanging evidence, interviewing witnesses, and filing court applications.
  5. Trial: If you plead not guilty, you will have a trial. At trial, the Crown will try to prove that you are guilty of the charges against you. You have the right to defend yourself at trial, and you can choose to testify or not.
  6. Sentencing: If you are found guilty, the judge will sentence you. The sentence may include jail time, probation, or a fine. Sometimes a discharge is available, allowing you to avoid a criminal conviction.

Your rights

Throughout the criminal justice process, you have certain rights. These include the right to:

  • Be presumed innocent until proven guilty
  • Remain silent
  • Have a lawyer present
  • A fair trial
  • Be informed of the charges against you
  • Be released on bail unless there is a good reason to keep you in custody

If you are charged with a crime, it is important to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. A lawyer can help you understand your rights and defend your case. A lawyer will be most effective if involved at the earliest opportunity.

What to do if you are charged with a crime

If you are charged with a crime, here are some things you can do:

  • Remain calm and do not say anything or volunteer information to the police.
  • Ask to speak to a lawyer.
  • Do not try to contact any witnesses or victims.
  • Follow the conditions of your bail, if you are released.
  • Show up to court on all of your scheduled appearance dates.

It is also important to remember that you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. You have the right to defend yourself and to have a fair trial.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice. Contact us today to discuss your specific situation.