A Proven Track Record: Mark’s Expertise

“I appreciated how Mark included me in a team setting. He entertained my ideas but also pushed back when I wasn’t on the right heading.” ~ Family Matter Client

“Mark really understood what was important to me and we achieved that. Mark is a great guy and obviously well principled. I will be recommending Mark to others.” ~ Family Matter Client

“…when you need a great family lawyer I would recommend Mark Vanstone for family law. He gets the job done to YOUR instructions” ~Family Matter Client~

Mark is a dedicated family law practitioner in Saskatchewan, known for his strong advocacy for children, parents, and families. He maintains an active practice, supporting his clients both inside and outside the courtroom through determined representation. His expertise in family law is recognized across the province and within his profession. Mark is well-versed and experienced in various aspects of family legal matters, including adoptions, custody, divorce, financial matters, property division, tax implications, pensions, agreements, enforcement of court orders, and more.

Clients appreciate Mark’s inclusive approach, where he engages them as part of a team, welcoming their input while also offering constructive guidance. He is known for understanding clients’ priorities and achieving them successfully. Mark’s positive and solution-oriented attitude is reflected in his track record of effectively representing clients in numerous cases involving interim court applications, trials, and appeals.

Some notable cases he has been involved in include addressing spousal support, clarifying cohabitation scope, advocating for fathers’ rights, and pioneering a groundbreaking parallel parenting case in Saskatchewan. A few notable cases he’s been involved in include:

  • Challenging admissibility of evidence and addressing spousal support: Wongstedt v. Wongstedt, 2017 SKCA 100
  • Clarifying the scope of cohabitation: Clare v. Kinar, 2016 SKQB 54
  • Advocating for fathers’ rights and handling publication bans: Hendricks v. Swan, 2007 SKQB 36, a case receiving national media attention
  • Resolving legal conflicts of interest in family law: Shemrock v. Shemrock, 2003 CanLII 53669 (SKQB)
  • Pioneering the first parallel parenting case in Saskatchewan: Hladun v. Hladun, 2002 SKQB 319

“One of the first details I noticed was that whenever we spoke with Mark Vanstone was the positive attitude. I can’t emphasize enough how this sets the mood and inspires confidence.” ~Family Matter Client~


Note: The information in this blog is not legal advice. Consult a lawyer for advice for your situation.