Vanstone Law

Experienced. Effective. Focused.
25 Years of Expertise at your Service.

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Family Law

Family law matters can be challenging. We can help.

Civil Litigation

Vanstone Law has the experience and confidence you need.

Real Estate

Buying or selling, we can handle your transaction.

Wills & Estates

We can help you shape your legacy.

Criminal Defence

Protecting your legal rights,


Professional Discipline & Administrative Law

Protecting your rights and reputation.

Practices Areas

Things We Can Do For You

Vanstone Law serves clients who need a trusted lawyer to call their own.

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Why Choose Us?

Experienced – Benefit from senior legal experience and unwavering dedication to clients.

Effective – Our teams work collaboratively with you. We will focus our efforts to maximize your results.

Client Focused – Vanstone Law practice areas are diverse because of the loyalty that comes from making people and relationships our priority.

Our Firm

Our team of skilled practitioners handle a broad range of legal needs.

Contact us now to learn how Vanstone Law can help you.

Mark & Vanessa

Mark and Vanesa Vanstone with Kaiser, Executive Good Boy!

Our Testimonials

Happy Clients

"We thank you so much for everything you’ve done for us. We think all services we received were great. It was all simplified, easy to understand and well explained."


Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, SK | Vanstone Law


"We thank you so much for everything you’ve done for us. We think all services we received were great. It was all simplified, easy to understand and well explained."
"I want to express my appreciation for the work Mark did in assisting my family. His openness and patience helped to establish trust and made it possible for everything to move forward. Thanks for standing up for what is right within our broken justice system."

Friend / Support – Criminal Matter

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, SK | Vanstone Law

Friend / Support – Criminal Matter

"I want to express my appreciation for the work Mark did in assisting my family. His openness and patience helped to establish trust and made it possible for everything to move forward. Thanks for standing up for what is right within our broken justice system."
"I appreciated how Mark included me in a team setting. He entertained my ideas but also pushed back when I wasn’t on the right heading."

Family Matter Client

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, SK | Vanstone Law

Family Matter Client

"I appreciated how Mark included me in a team setting. He entertained my ideas but also pushed back when I wasn’t on the right heading."
"Mark really understood what was important to me and we achieved that. Mark is a great guy and obviously well principled. I will be recommending Mark to others."

Family Matter Client

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, SK | Vanstone Law

Family Matter Client

"Mark really understood what was important to me and we achieved that. Mark is a great guy and obviously well principled. I will be recommending Mark to others."
"I feel that being a landlord is becoming a riskier undertaking. Despite assurances that ORT is an unbiased entity, the actual process of getting a tenant removed from one’s property (for the purpose of preventing harm to the property or other tenants), is daunting. Although obtaining legal assistance is not inexpensive, I believe it to be the shortest and most effective path to achieving the needed outcome. Mark is a lawyer who is very experienced in ORT related processes and procedures. I would highly recommend him to anyone wanting to ensure optimal results in a high stakes landlord concern."

Landlord Client

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, SK | Vanstone Law

Landlord Client

"I feel that being a landlord is becoming a riskier undertaking. Despite assurances that ORT is an unbiased entity, the actual process of getting a tenant removed from one’s property (for the purpose of preventing harm to the property or other tenants), is daunting. Although obtaining legal assistance is not inexpensive, I believe it to be the shortest and most effective path to achieving the needed outcome. Mark is a lawyer who is very experienced in ORT related processes and procedures. I would highly recommend him to anyone wanting to ensure optimal results in a high stakes landlord concern."
"We truly had a great experience. The best was our chat at your home 🙂 and the way you took the time to meet me, making the experience a little more personal."

Real Estate Client

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, SK | Vanstone Law

Real Estate Client

"We truly had a great experience. The best was our chat at your home 🙂 and the way you took the time to meet me, making the experience a little more personal."
"We think all services we received were great. It was all simplified, easy to understand and well explained. We don’t see anything needing improvement. We also like the personal touch you had when my wife and I were invited in person to your beautiful office/home."

Real Estate Client

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, SK | Vanstone Law

Real Estate Client

"We think all services we received were great. It was all simplified, easy to understand and well explained. We don’t see anything needing improvement. We also like the personal touch you had when my wife and I were invited in person to your beautiful office/home."
"Thanks very much to Mark for his professionalism in handling a very difficult situation(s) for us to our satisfaction!"

Wills and Estate Client

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, SK | Vanstone Law

Wills and Estate Client

"Thanks very much to Mark for his professionalism in handling a very difficult situation(s) for us to our satisfaction!"
"I was very pleased with the work Mark was able to provide."

Professional Discipline Client

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, SK | Vanstone Law

Professional Discipline Client

"I was very pleased with the work Mark was able to provide."
"Everything went really smoothly, was very professional and the communication was fantastic."

Real Estate Client

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, SK | Vanstone Law

Real Estate Client

"Everything went really smoothly, was very professional and the communication was fantastic."
"I appreciated how Mark included me in a team setting. He entertained my ideas but also pushed back when I wasn’t on the right heading. Mark really understood what was important to me and we achieved that."

Family Law Client

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, SK | Vanstone Law

Family Law Client

"I appreciated how Mark included me in a team setting. He entertained my ideas but also pushed back when I wasn’t on the right heading. Mark really understood what was important to me and we achieved that."
"When you need a great family lawyer I would recommend Mark Vanstone for family law. He gets the job done to YOUR instructions."

Family Law Client

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, SK | Vanstone Law

Family Law Client

"When you need a great family lawyer I would recommend Mark Vanstone for family law. He gets the job done to YOUR instructions."
"One of the first details I noticed was that whenever we spoke with Mark Vanstone was the positive attitude. I can’t emphasize enough how this sets the mood and inspires confidence."

Family Law Client

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, SK | Vanstone Law

Family Law Client

"One of the first details I noticed was that whenever we spoke with Mark Vanstone was the positive attitude. I can’t emphasize enough how this sets the mood and inspires confidence."
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, SK | Vanstone Law

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